I Can Has Cheezburger
I Can Has Cheezburger

Cats Are Funny. Here’s Proof.

Well my cat Remy just caught and killed a bird. She’s Basement Cat because she’s all black, so what did you expect? My wife flipped out because Remy was trying to revive the dead bird so she could play with it more,...
I Can Has Cheezburger

Office Graphs

Here are some office graphs that some people have sent me in response to the ones I posted. by Phil by Phil by Phil by Phil by Phil by Jonathan by Jonathan by Chris Tell them what you think in the comments. I really like “...
I Can Has Cheezburger

Probability of Princess Whereabouts

My fourth attempt. *UPDATE* Check it out, this graph made it to the front page of Graph Jam:

I Can Has Cheezburger

How To Shake Something

My third attempt.
I Can Has Cheezburger

Analysis of Popular La Vidas

My second attempt.
I Can Has Cheezburger

Distribution of Things On Fire

My first attempt.

I Can Has Cheezburger


I fail because each day I find out about a new thing that I could’ve come up with if I wasn’t too busy wishing I could come up with new stuff. Man that’s recursive. We all know about LOLcats. Duh. They will al...
I Can Has Cheezburger

U Can Has Lookz At Mai LOLCatz?

I took some pictures of our cat, mainly to test out my camera, but I couldn’t resist turning them into LOLCatz pictures. They may not be as funny as some of the ones on I Can Has Cheezburger but I think they’re amus...