Wow, WoW’s still going strong
Posted on 18. Apr, 2007 by The Gimcracker in Gaming

I don’t think I’ve ever played a game as consistently as I’ve played WoW the past 16 months. There are only two games I’ve played that have rivaled WoW in /played time, and they are Heroes of Might & Magic III and Half Life 2/Counter-Strike: Source.
I’m sitting here with a 70 paladin with 23 days of /played time, as well as a myriad of 20+ alts including a 50 mage, 32 warlock, 23 hunter, 22 warrior – the list goes on and I didn’t feel like linking them all here. You’d think I’d be somewhat burnt out by now, especially with a full time job, my wife, friends, family, and web development on the side.
I am not.
Included in my current plans are to make my paladin a master of potions, get my mage into Outland, and have at least one of each class at or above 20 so I can decide who gets to be my lucky #3 toon.
I believe I’ve settled into a pretty good arrangement with WoW. I am able to play 5 hours a week at work (1 hour per day at lunch), around 3 hours each Monday night while my wife is in class, and various times during the weekend. This way, I’m never letting RL trump WoW, but I’m not disregarding my precious toons either.
I have no idea how much longer I will be playing WoW, but at this rate I do not foresee an end.