U Can Has Lookz At Mai LOLCatz?
Posted on 18. Jun, 2007 by The Gimcracker in I Can Has Cheezburger
I took some pictures of our cat, mainly to test out my camera, but I couldn’t resist turning them into LOLCatz pictures. They may not be as funny as some of the ones on I Can Has Cheezburger but I think they’re amusing.

Hey, what were the names of your two cats of old, from the Hiatt Street days? One was Kiki, right? I believe she was a tigercat. But I can’t remember the other’s name. Man, those cats were awesome.
“The mystery of….”
The other was Kinji. She just died a couple months ago up at the folk’s farm. She was a good cat, which is hard to come by.
“…Daredevil park.”
Haha! Here are some of my favorites:
Oh, and the post before:
Invisible bike!
That invisible bike one is without a doubt the funniest one I’ve seen yet.
I like the invisible measuring tape one and that bike one is hilarious too.
Ah, sad to hear.