Music Version of Digg: The Sixty One
Posted on 03. Jan, 2008 by The Gimcracker in Music, Stuff On The Internet
So, you are addicted to Digg like me? And you like music? Then The Sixty One is your final destination.
The Sixty One, in a nutshell, is a web site where artists post songs and everyone “bumps” (votes for) the songs they like. Then the songs move up the charts and can make it to the front page (just like Digg).You can listen and create playlists of your favorite songs, purchase songs DRM-free, get your own songs noticed, share songs (your own or others’) with other people, and level up.
What is “leveling up”? I’m glad you asked. You start with 100 points. It costs points to bump up a song. If songs that you bump get bumped a lot by other people, you get points. When you level up, your influence on the whole community increases. There’s a lot more to it than that, so check out the FAQ page to see how it all works.
Or you can just go listen to unlimited sweet new music for free. Make sure you listen to Hey Ya covered by Obadiah Parker and West Coast by Coconut Records.

Sweet site, B. Since I can’t find cool things like this I’m glad I can jump on other people’s wagons. If West Coast didn’t have the out of tune choir in the back that’s a number one song. Catchy freakin’ chorus… loved it.
When will you be uploading your own songs?
I’m sad. I can’t register an account because too many people from my IP address have accounts.
How dumb.
Otherwise the site is awesome. I’ll just listen to music and not participate or buy. Their loss.
Yeah, I had never heard them before and they sort of remind me of Bright Eyes.
Too many people from your IP address? That indicates to me that your coworkers are cool at least
I’m running into that same problem as Butler. I mean… no, not at all. Uncool level runs very high here when it comes to t3h web.
Gah! I’m discovering way way too much awesome new music that I would never hear on the radio or anywhere else if it weren’t for this site!
Wow, I’m level 3 after a day. Sweet! What does that mean?
Listen to Fake Empire by The National. The guy’s voice is low and weird like Crash Test Dummies but the music is excellent and his voice really grows on you.
Dude! This site is great!! You just click a genre, push play and let it go! I’ve been listening for like 15 minutes now and like almost every one of these songs. Brilliant!
I know, I can’t believe how good they all are. I thought there would be a lot of crap mixed in, but it’s generally very professional music. And I haven’t found a single bug in the site – it works great. Not bad for 2 ex-video game developer kids.
Once again, why didn’t I think of this?!?
[...] there because it’s the best thing that has happened to me on the Intartubes since Digg. See this post for more information on [...]