6 Responses to “Seriously, Multigrain Cheerios?!”

  1. Arthur 24 July 2009 at 2:25 pm #

    Dangit dude, I meant to come back and read this post a while ago and just now got to it. Not sure you'll ever see this comment, but nice little commercial post here.

    I agree with pretty much everything you wrote, which is kind of boring of me, but oh well. Although, I think in commercials they have to play to what they think are preexisting stereotypes and unfortunately, Homer-esque husbands is one of them.

    • brianmcculloh 24 July 2009 at 2:34 pm #

      If you were to discover the remains of humanity ten thousand years from now and you wanted to know what their culture was like, all you would have to do is watch their commercials and it would be a pretty accurate description of their interests. I have always been intrigued by commercials and advertising. I would have gone into the field of marketing if I was smarter. I really think it takes a pretty smart person to work for a good advertising agency.

  2. Toaster 19 September 2009 at 10:27 pm #

    For another take on the stupid Cheerios commercial, visit Pointless Planet:

  3. Toaster 19 September 2009 at 10:30 pm #

    For another take on the stupid Cheerios commercial, visit Pointless Planet:

  4. Tibia


    Thanks, I always love a good read. Dont stop posting!…

  5. The Media Always Takes A Side | ogm!

    [...] There are countless more advertisements out there, just watch prime time tv tonight,  or you can check out another example here: http://www.thegimcrackmiscellany.com/2009/06/seriously-multigrain-cheerios/ [...]

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