
Posted by The Gimcracker in Blogging, Reference Burst Theory on 07. Mar, 2008 | No Comments

My brother brought this to my attention. He was dutifully earning rice for starving people in Africa at a website pointed out by Jonathan that lets you increase your vocabularical skills by guessing synonyms to increasingly harder words. He came across a strangely familiar word with an even more strangely familiar word as a possible [...]

Indiana Jones IV Teaser Trailer

Posted by The Gimcracker in Movies, News on 14. Feb, 2008 | 4 Comments

OMG it’s getting closer! TEASER TRAILER IS HERE: I have goosebumps on top of goosebumps having goosebump children. That’s disgusting. Stop it.

Grammy Observations: Kanye, Shut Up

Posted by The Gimcracker in Music, News on 11. Feb, 2008 | No Comments

I hope you didn’t turn on the Grammy Awards last night. I mistakenly did, and here are my observations: 1) 99% of the music performed and honored is top 40, bubble gum, over-played hornswaggle. The Grammys have become an awards ceremony honoring artists with the top music sales, not the top music. I consider the [...]

Moving Your WordPress Installation

Posted by The Gimcracker in Blogging on 07. Feb, 2008 | No Comments

I’ve been reading post after post about people switching web hosts to get more storage, bandwidth, control panel awesomeness, setra-setra. I felt left out. So I joined HostMonster. I won’t bore you with all the stats, but let’s just say I’m probably getting more bang for my buck than you. All I’ll say is that [...]

Gimcrack Spotted!

Posted by The Gimcracker in Blogging, Gimcrackery on 06. Feb, 2008 | 6 Comments

We are really exploding here at GimMisc Industries. Not only has our LOLheads™ division been diversifying with very rare images of Coach Belichick (I gave them all raises to $3.25 an hour – they still have to provide their own equipment, though), but our brand new marketing & advertising department has launched! So far, GimMisc [...]

LOL @ Teh Cops

Posted by The Gimcracker in Gimcrackery on 04. Feb, 2008 | No Comments

What if a professional stunt driver was being pursued by the cops? It would probably be something like this. I wonder if the guy in the car giggled just a bit each time he escaped.

The Stupidest Thing That Has Ever Happened

Posted by The Gimcracker in Gimcrackery, ROFL on 22. Jan, 2008 | 6 Comments

One of the things that is wrong with this world is people who are incapable of thinking outside the box. Some call this a lack of common sense. When discussing this topic, I like to refer to Mark 2:27 in which Jesus says to the Pharisees, “The sabbath was made for man, and not man [...]

Dear Sister

Posted by The Gimcracker in ROFL on 17. Jan, 2008 | 16 Comments

No, I’m not imploring you, little sis. There are certain things in life that no one can explain. What is laughter? Why does laughter build upon itself? How does a car engine work? These are mysteries that will never be solved. I have another question along these same lines: why are Saturday Night Live Digital [...]

Why Do Bloggers Brag?

Posted by The Gimcracker in Blogging, Theory & Philosophy on 15. Jan, 2008 | 18 Comments

This one’s going to get me into trouble. Maybe that means it’s a good post. Or maybe it means I shouldn’t write it. Too late. I already made that collage of blog logos. I have a question: why do some bloggers feel the need to brag about their lives? OK, now let me backpedal 20 [...]

Alive One Minute, Saint The Next

Posted by The Gimcracker in News, Sports on 29. Nov, 2007 | 10 Comments

I grow weary of people speaking of the recently departed as flawless, sinless individuals despite the life the person actually lived. There’s this fear of speaking ill of the dead that stays around for months and even years after the burial. Why is this? By “ill”, I’m not talking about slander and falsity. Usually, an [...]

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