Stuff On The Internet
Stuff On The Internet

Circle Of Life

This is today’s Penny Arcade comic strip. It is probably one of my favorite PA’s of all time. So simple. So Poignant. There should be another panel with Rorschach from Watchmen stalking Batman stalking the Splinter ...

I Am A Big Fan Of Gabriel Delahaye

I already know of one Gabe who is really funny on the Internet, and that's the one who writes for Penny Arcade. Surely there can't be two Gabes who are really funny on the Internet. Well I have found a second Gabe who is even b...

TheSixtyNine – April Fools

I wonder if people will even notice. They even went to the trouble of changing the favicon. That's what's great about this site - people will probably be offended by the sexual reference, but Sam & James don't care. They are tr...


IQ Fail

Found this on Facebook today. It's comforting to know that even if I do take the ad-ridden crappy IQ test and jump through all the hoops to find out my highly inaccurate IQ score and happen to somehow not score as highly as Jes...

5 Things To Brighten Your Day

It seems like everywhere I turn I’m pimp smacked by the hand of bad news. Doom and gloom abounds on TV, in the movies, and even everyday conversations with people. Our economy is dying. Both presidential candidates suck. ...

Why I Read “Basic Instructions”

A while back, a good friend introduced me to the web comic called Basic Instructions. As I’m writing this the website is down, and I’m pretty sure it’s because today’s strip is hilarious and everyoneR...


What Is Wrong With This Picture?

That’s a screenshot of Digg at around 11:00 AM on 9/18/08. What is wrong with that picture? You don’t have to look very close. 8 of the top 10 stories are anti-McCain/Palin and pro Obama. Why do I still read Digg? O...

Weezer Internet Celebrity Tribute

Well, I was gonna post about how 99% of cops are complete idiots, but that is going to be a more involved post that I don’t feel like doing right now. In the meantime I stumbled upon a little gem on Digg today. So, here...

I Know I’m Cynical…

…but sometimes cynicism equals hilarity. Here is some partly cynical, mostly hysterical junk I found on the web over the past couple days. First we’ll start with my favorite t-shirt designs from Busted Tees (I would...


The Sixty One Tips: How To Bump A ‘Revive’ Song

With the release of the new unlocks on The Sixty One, there are a lot of people trying to bump old songs. Why? Because the newest unlock is called Lewis & Clark, and it requires you to bump songs in under-explored genres (...