LOLheads – The Belichick Seymour Hoffman
Posted on 13. Dec, 2007 by The Gimcracker in LOLheads, Sports
Photos of Bill Belichick resembling infamous villains are completely flooding my inbox. It’s amazing just how many faces he really has. You know who else puts on a multitude of faces in order to “trick” his prey? The Devil, that’s who. Don’t try to argue with me, it’s science.
I had to hire a small crew to help me organize all these photos we’re uncovering. I just added 3 more photographers to my team of scouts who are out there snapping these amazingly rare photos of Belichick. This week he seems to be resembling the infamous Philip Seymour Hoffman. I don’t know exactly why, but here are some possibly relevant facts I’ve come up with:
Some people are not fans at all of Hoffman, but some people love him.
He was in Mission Impossible 3 as a villain.
He was in Along Came Polly attempting to play the part of Jesus in the play.
He was in Cold Mountain supporting fornication, thievery, rape, and murder.
You know who you could use these same characteristics to describe? The Devil. (Although it’s a different actor in MI3 that I’m referring to…)
So, based on these facts and similarities, maybe that’s why he chose to make his current host body, Bill Belichick, resemble Philip Seymour Hoffman.
The Evidence
At a press conference this year, just after cheating the whole world and getting away with it, Belichick Seymour Hoffman turns to the camera and whispers something in Latin. Somewhere in or near the room a baby puppy dies.
At the precise moment Belichick Seymour Hoffman wins his third Super Bowl, he raises his hands above his head and suddenly feels a tremor down below. Luckily for him, the Gatorade poured on his head moments after conceals the mishap.
And finally, this shot was taken just after someone took the Lombardi Trophy away from him for a split second and his mom made them give it back.
…where am I?
It’s a magical new world. Hang on to your butts…
How many lines of code are there?
Bat too mEEyun.