Portal: Chamber 13 in 4 Steps
Posted on 13. Feb, 2008 by The Gimcracker in Gaming, Reference Burst Theory
This is just amazing. I haven’t been able to beat this chamber in less than 12 steps. I was sure that was the absolute minimum number of steps possible. This guy does it in 4 steps. Four. He makes a few mistakes, but it doesn’t cost him any steps because going through a portal and landing on the floor doesn’t count as an actual step.
Sorry about the bombardment of videos. Hey, I’m a child of the intarwebz.
– Edit –
Oh. My. Goodness.
Reference Burst Theory™ has just reared it’s magnificent head.
I’m writing this after I originally posted. Would you believe that my brother happened to post about Portal at the exact same time as me this morning? Neither of us saw the other’s blog post before writing our posts. There was no reason we were both inspired to post about Portal. There wasn’t a Digg article on Portal this morning or anything like that.
I just recently started playing WoW again and went to a site called WeGame (the best website since they started the intarwebs) to download screen capturing software so I could post my WoW gameplay videos online, and I happened to browse around and find some Portal videos. I have no idea why my brother happened to be on the same site at the same time and watch the same videos and then write a blog post about them.
This is insanity. What are the odds?!? ACK! GAH! UGH! BLECH! LOL!
I’m scared.
I love Portal because to the non-player it looks mind-boggling. But when you actually play it, you realize you naturally start doing all this crazy stuff, and then when someone else comes and watches your screen they get blown away. What is that, is that like a low learning curve or something? I’m not sure what those kinds of things are called, but I like them because you can look like a genius when in reality you are not.
Except the guy in that video. He actually is a genius.
[...] can see his explanation here, but my path to this Reference Burst Theory™ was a bit different. Here’s how it went [...]
You need one more occurence for it to be true Reference Burst Theory™ . Sorry to burst your theory by referencing the original rule.