Posted on 07. Mar, 2008 by The Gimcracker in Blogging, Reference Burst Theory
My brother brought this to my attention. He was dutifully earning rice for starving people in Africa at a website pointed out by Jonathan that lets you increase your vocabularical skills by guessing synonyms to increasingly harder words.
He came across a strangely familiar word with an even more strangely familiar word as a possible match, and he thought to himself, “wow this is strangely familiar”. When he told me the story, I was strangely astounded at how immediately familiar it all was.
I realize that’s not what gimcrack means, but it should be. I mean, how often do you see the word gimcrack? And for anyone who doesn’t know, this blog used to be titled “B” before it earned its current name. That’s why this is so significant.
Coincidence? I think… so.
On a side note: if you’re bored, repeat this phrase 10 times: “peculiarly familiarly peculiar and familiar”. I promise you will hate me.
Fun words used in this post: