LOLheads – The Bilger Woodichick
Posted on 16. Apr, 2008 by The Gimcracker in LOLheads, Sports
Our LOLheads department snapped this doozy of Tiger Woods after he placed second in the Masters a few days ago. We detected strong levels of simultaneous smugness and self-loathing emanating from his curiously dark Asian forearms, and when we looked up we saw a face to match it. He resembled one of the greatest smug-and-self-loathing-at-the-same-time men in history: Bill Belichick.
It appeared that the tables had turned. Instead of The Villain resembling a villain, this time we caught a glimpse of a villain resembling The Villian. We know it’s confusing, but that’s why we document these things very carefully and archive them forever here at The Gimcrack Miscellany.
* Please note that we don’t view Tiger Woods as a villain, he is a great golfer and human being probably. We sacrificed what we believe for a funny sentence structure. And we’d do it again in a heartbeat.
“Tiger Woods had arthroscopic surgery on his left knee Tuesday to repair cartilage damage, his second operation in five years on the same knee. He is expected to miss at least a month while he recovers.”
He’s already down from losing the Master’s. Then, he has to get surgery; which is probably why he lost, at least in the media. Now, he’s going to see your blog, and…well, he’s still married to a model.
Yeah totally.
I rest my, I mean your, case.