Seriously, Multigrain Cheerios?!
Posted on 02. Jun, 2009 by The Gimcracker in Men Vs. Women, Seriously?!, Television
Have you seen one of the worst commercials on television yet? It’s a married couple in a kitchen that looks like it’s from a mental institution (because it’s all white washed and because the people in it are mentally insane) talking about Multigrain Cheerios. As in the majority of commercials these days, the wife comes off as much smarter than her bumbling, stammering husband. It’s not the wife’s behavior that is the problem, it is the husband’s.
It is a husband’s responsibility to zing his wife back. If he doesn’t, the ensuing relationship is his own fault. However if my wife ever smiled at me as condescendingly as the woman in this commercial I would probably throw up all my lunches from the past 4 days straight into her little bowl of soggy oat rings. It literally makes me gag just watching it. It makes me GOL (that’s a real thing starting now).
Seriously, Multigrain Cheerios?! Do you think men are really this petrified of their wives? Also of note: what kind of slogan is “Because it tastes good”? That’s almost as bad as Rally’s “You gotta eat!”
I’m not a fan of how men are being portrayed on commercials and sitcoms and pretty much anything on TV these days. If men are really this dumb and women are really this insidious, how is anyone getting together? Especially if they’re as ogre-ish as the actors in the Multigrain commercial? As usual, Seinfeld has the answer:
Don’t get me wrong, men are very stupid. I am a very stupid man and I do stupid things every single day. I also witness other men doing stupid things all the time. We don’t do it on purpose (usually), it’s just who we naturally are. But as much as it is in our nature to be stupid, there is one thing that is not in our nature, and that is to be scared of things. And “things” includes women.
My wife and I have been commenting on this phenomenon for years. We will see a commercial with the obligatory scene of a husband and wife about to engage in some banter, and we will frequently predict that the woman is going to be the smart one and the man is going to be the ridiculous idiot who gets no respect from his wife (or his kids – but that’s a different story). My wife is just as sick of this message as me.
But there is hope. Someone out there had the same thoughts as me and decided to go to marketing school and get a job at a big marketing firm so they could make this commercial:
It starts off like all the rest, but then *gasp* the man actually zings the woman back! It just feels so right. Bravo T-Mobile commercial writer! Couples of the world: rise up and bust each others’ chops, starting now!
Dangit dude, I meant to come back and read this post a while ago and just now got to it. Not sure you'll ever see this comment, but nice little commercial post here.
I agree with pretty much everything you wrote, which is kind of boring of me, but oh well. Although, I think in commercials they have to play to what they think are preexisting stereotypes and unfortunately, Homer-esque husbands is one of them.
If you were to discover the remains of humanity ten thousand years from now and you wanted to know what their culture was like, all you would have to do is watch their commercials and it would be a pretty accurate description of their interests. I have always been intrigued by commercials and advertising. I would have gone into the field of marketing if I was smarter. I really think it takes a pretty smart person to work for a good advertising agency.
For another take on the stupid Cheerios commercial, visit Pointless Planet:…
For another take on the stupid Cheerios commercial, visit Pointless Planet:…
Thanks, I always love a good read. Dont stop posting!…
[...] There are countless more advertisements out there, just watch prime time tv tonight, or you can check out another example here: [...]
Maybe it's because the advertising agency's advertising department. The way they think. I doubt it if it portrays the whole advertising agency's description of interest. But then, I might be wrong..