LOL @ Teh Cops
Posted by The Gimcracker in Gimcrackery on 04. Feb, 2008 | No Comments
What if a professional stunt driver was being pursued by the cops? It would probably be something like this. I wonder if the guy in the car giggled just a bit each time he escaped.
The Stupidest Thing That Has Ever Happened
Posted by The Gimcracker in Gimcrackery, ROFL on 22. Jan, 2008 | 6 Comments
One of the things that is wrong with this world is people who are incapable of thinking outside the box. Some call this a lack of common sense. When discussing this topic, I like to refer to Mark 2:27 in which Jesus says to the Pharisees, “The sabbath was made for man, and not man [...]
Even The IRS Wouldn’t Stoop This Low
Posted by The Gimcracker in Gimcrackery on 09. Nov, 2007 | 10 Comments
Hey, retired AOL using grandmas of the world. If you get this email, delete it immediately: Now that we’ve established the true point of this post, let’s delve into the grand gorge of gimcrack and discuss it for a bit. Clicking the link at the bottom of the email will take you to this website [...]
btw n00b, where r teh werdz going?
Posted by The Gimcracker in Gimcrackery, Stuff On The Internet on 26. Sep, 2007 | 5 Comments
In case you didn’t get that, I’m asking where in the heck the English language went. Everything is said in acronym format now. idky, but even my bffs r doing it. It’s not like I’m just now realizing it. I’ve been emailing, texting, and talking this way for quite a while, especially amongst my geek [...]