NFL Theme Songs
Posted on 05. Aug, 2009 by The Gimcracker in Music, Sports
Thursday, September 10th, at 8:30PM the Titans and Steelers will open the 2009 NFL season. The following ascii art represents how that makes me feel:
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Below you will notice that I have embedded a convenient countdown timer for your benefit. Except I couldn’t specify a time, so it’s counting down to midnight of September 9th. Close enough.
Around this time every year I usually do a blog post to get us hyped up for football season. For the 2007 season I posted an awesome Nike commercial that gets you hyped up no matter what. For the 2008 season I posted a funny Jim Mora commercial that will make you laugh as well as get you hyped up no matter what. Sometimes I even do it mid-year, like in December 2007 when I hit you with a post with awesome NFL photos which is guaranteed to make you wish you played in the NFL and also get you hyped up no matter what.
This year I have been inspired by the sound of music. I have obtained samples of all the various NFL themes. You will be surprised at how many of these you know, and how you didn’t realize they were actually different songs. Even if you’re a girl, or are not a football fan, or both, I guarantee you will recognize 90% of these themes. You won’t know how, but you’ll recognize them, I promise.
We’ll start with one that every Colts fan should know, since Colts games usually air on CBS. Here is the NFL on CBS theme, which I find resembles the soundtrack from the game Killer Instinct Gold, especially at :20 seconds in:
Next is one that everyone knows, and is probably one of the most recognizable themes (not one of my favorites, however). It’s the NFL on FOX theme, and I can’t help but to think of that retarded dancing robot on the bottom-left corner of the screen when I listen to it.
Here’s one that I’m not sure is used anymore. It’s the Monday Night Football theme from back when it was on ABC.
Monday Night Football on ABC
Here is the new MNF theme since it has been broadcast on ESPN. This theme is better than the ABC version in my opinion. I think this is actually a really old theme from the 70s that has been modernized. Anyway, here it is, and it will get you real real hyped up.
Monday Night Football on ESPN
Oh boy, I can’t wait for this next one. It’s the NFL on NBC (mainly Sunday Night Football games) and it gets my heart a’racing. It sounds like it’s from Indiana Jones or something. I swear this is by John Williams, it has to be:
And now for the theme that is guaranteed to make you leave work and go home and sit on the couch and stare at your television until September 10th, 2009 without eating or sleeping. It is the awe-inspiring Thursday Night Football theme from NFL Networks. I guarantee you when you first start listening to this you will get chills down your spine.
Thursday Night Football on NFL Networks
And now for a couple retired themes. First, my favorite theme of all time, NFL on CBS from the 1990s. I don’t know what’s up with the announcing, but at least you can hear the theme at the beginning.
NFL on CBS – 90s era
*UPDATE – Better version w/o announcing (originally posted version below it):*
Originally posted version:
Second, a theme that I’m finding is more obscure than I thought. I have a friend who is a musical genius and has created a medley of NFL themes on piano. I love what he does, but there is a theme that is missing from his repertoire, and I’ve tried to hum it to him to spark his memory to no avail. I really hope he’s reading this because I want him to hear the NFL on NBC theme from the 1990s and include it in his medley from now on.
NFL on NBC – 90s era
While we’re at it, let’s hear some NBA themes. As with the NFL themes, you will be astounded at how these are actually distinct themes. The first one comes to us from the NBA on TNT, where you can find most of the NBA games throughout the year.
Next we have the NBA on Fox Sports Net, which I haven’t heard a lot, but I do recognize it. It’s not that great, but worth a listen.
This is undoubtedly my favorite current NBA theme song. It is from the NBA on ESPN, and I don’t know why, but it matches basketball so well. I don’t know how someone sat down and thought “I need to make a song and it needs to sound like basketball” and then execute that thought so perfectly. My favorite part is the triumphant horns at :29 seconds in.
And finally one of the most memorable themes of all time. This is no longer used, but back in the 90s when the NBA was in its prime, this is the theme that got everyone pumped up. How can such a simple melody be so memorable and mesmerizing? This particular theme was written by John Tesh and it’s called Roundball Rock. Here is a live performance at Red Rocks and it’s totally worth watching:
One thing I thought was interesting was that NBA on NBC has the same kind of sound as Monday Night Football on ABC. What’s your favorite theme? Are there any themes listed that you haven’t heard before? Did I miss a good one? TGM wants to know your thoughts and feelings!
1) Sunday Night Football on NBC *is* by John Williams. Bravo.
2) The last video is by far my favorite. Cracks me up every time. I have to show you the dance to this NBA theme some time.
3) I've never heard that obscure NBC Football theme from the 90's. I like how it actually incorporates the NBC network theme. Now we need to find a home for it…. Stand by.
4) I don't know which is my favorite theme. It might very be the CBS theme from the 90's, just like you had said. It's very epic.
5) Thanks for the awesome post!
6) GO COLTS!!!!!
Glad you liked it, and thanks for the input. I don't like the version of our favorite theme (90s NFL on CBS) that I have on here. It's too "synthesizey" if that makes any sense.
Found a better version – I updated the blog post.
Better version:
Nice post, I’m a HUGE NFL fan, love watching it all sunday every sunday. I got my two tvs going usually and I put a few live streams online on my laptop and watch online as well. Look forward to reading more posts, keep up the good work.
you are a man after my own heart. the more simultaneous games i can view at one time, the better. helps with fantasy football.
Does anyone know who composed the NBC Thursday Night Football theme song
It's called Run To The Playoffs by David Robidoux. You can read more about it here: NFL Films Original Music.