I’m Afraid Of Cephalopods
Posted by The Gimcracker in Science on 25. Apr, 2008 | 8 Comments
Ever since I can remember I’ve had a real fear of the following things (from least to greatest): 1. Voids 2. Cephalopods While you’re glaring at me for using a big word that I obviously found on Wikipedia, let me touch on #1. Voids frighten me. Remember ‘The Nothing’ from The Neverending Story? That was [...]
l337 AGAIN!
Posted by The Gimcracker in Reference Burst Theory, Stuff On The Internet on 20. Mar, 2008 | 2 Comments
Twice in one day! The URL to my specific island on my Ikariam game has an ID of 1337. I don’t know why I haven’t noticed before today. This is not a joke, I promise. I know I could have just changed the URL to reflect the 1337 for the ID attribute, but believe me [...]
I’m l33t
Posted by The Gimcracker in Reference Burst Theory, Stuff On The Internet on 20. Mar, 2008 | 9 Comments
I wasn’t sure, but now I know!
Posted by The Gimcracker in Blogging, Reference Burst Theory on 07. Mar, 2008 | No Comments
My brother brought this to my attention. He was dutifully earning rice for starving people in Africa at a website pointed out by Jonathan that lets you increase your vocabularical skills by guessing synonyms to increasingly harder words. He came across a strangely familiar word with an even more strangely familiar word as a possible [...]
Portal: Chamber 13 in 4 Steps
Posted by The Gimcracker in Gaming, Reference Burst Theory on 13. Feb, 2008 | 4 Comments
This is just amazing. I haven’t been able to beat this chamber in less than 12 steps. I was sure that was the absolute minimum number of steps possible. This guy does it in 4 steps. Four. He makes a few mistakes, but it doesn’t cost him any steps because going through a portal and [...]
Reclaiming The Gospel
Posted by The Gimcracker in Theory & Philosophy on 29. Jan, 2008 | 16 Comments
I was recently directed to read a brief article about the current state of Orthodoxy in America, written by Bradley Nassif. This article sums up exactly what I’ve been recently discussing with my wife and friends, and I agree whole-heartedly with the author. For anyone who is Orthodox and has not yet read the article [...]
Cloverfield vs. I Am Legend
Posted by The Gimcracker in Beratings, Movies, Reference Burst Theory on 28. Jan, 2008 | 12 Comments
A few weeks ago I saw a little film – don’t know if you’ve heard of it – called I Am Legend. It was good. Dang good. Yesterday I saw another movie called Cloverfield. It was better. Dang better. And that’s saying a lot because I Am Legend got at least a 2/10 Berating (soon [...]
Why Do Bloggers Brag?
Posted by The Gimcracker in Blogging, Theory & Philosophy on 15. Jan, 2008 | 18 Comments
This one’s going to get me into trouble. Maybe that means it’s a good post. Or maybe it means I shouldn’t write it. Too late. I already made that collage of blog logos. I have a question: why do some bloggers feel the need to brag about their lives? OK, now let me backpedal 20 [...]
Our Sun Is Tiny
Posted by The Gimcracker in Science on 09. Jan, 2008 | 2 Comments
I found another cool video that is similar to the one in this post about the distances in our universe, however this video compares the sizes of celestial bodies such as Earth, Jupiter, the Sun and more. Previously, I thought the differences between the sizes of the stars was like the differences between the sizes [...]
Birds Are Faster Than Deer
Posted by The Gimcracker in Amazing, Science on 04. Jan, 2008 | 3 Comments
Remember my post about cats pwning humans? Well sometimes animals fight other animals too. It’s just something you’re going to have to deal with. In this case, a bird fights a deer. And by “fights” I mean “captures in its talons”. The deer never had a chance. Watch right at the end when the eagle [...]