Death Penalty = Abortion?

Posted by The Gimcracker in Theory & Philosophy on 02. Jul, 2007 | 11 Comments

I am no politician and I never will be. I have no idea what the political ramifications are of stating that the death penalty equals abortion. I am coming from a Christian conservative background, but being non-political means you can pretty much remove the “conservative” and say I’m simply coming from a Christian background. I [...]

Dr. George Bebawi Speaks

Posted by The Gimcracker in Theory & Philosophy on 16. May, 2007 | 5 Comments

Dr. George Bebawi came to my church last night and lectured on the differences between Christianity and Islam. I was pretty impressed with his ability to “bash” Islam without really bashing Islam. This skill comes from his tenure at Cambridge University, where he taught Christian and Islam students in a very politically correct environment. I [...]

Orthodox Paradox II: Not Actually Black & White

Posted by The Gimcracker in Theory & Philosophy on 23. Apr, 2007 | No Comments

I’ve introduced this topic with grumblings mostly on the semantics of how our parish worships, specifically length of service and singing scripture readings instead of speaking them. I’m going to continue doing that same thing here. I will make conclusions and give explanations as to why it is so important a little later. Please keep in mind that I am speaking in the context of my parish unless otherwise noted.

Why do we do things the way we do? There have thus far been two ways of looking it, and I can boil it down rather simply. Either change things to suit you and risk opening up the possiblity of endless change, or never change anything and do not allow for that possibility. The Protestants ultimately came to be because someone changed one thing that was undoubtedly a very valid point. In doing so, however, the line was pushed and has never been reestablished, which explains why there is such a huge difference between Orthodox, Catholics, and Protestants.

I disagree with this line of thought; it is not actually black and white. First I will explain why it shouldn’t be, and then I will explain how it actually isn’t.

Orthodox Paradox I: Introduction

Posted by The Gimcracker in Theory & Philosophy on 17. Apr, 2007 | 1 Comment

I am an Orthodox Christian and have been my whole life. Most of my friends and family are as well. It would probably shake things up a bit if I suddenly switched to another denomination, let alone another parish. The trouble is, I have wanted to do that on a number of occasions, and that [...]

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