11 Responses to “Transformers: 4/10 Berating”

  1. jonathan 21 August 2007 at 8:41 am #

    This was hilarious.

    I pretty much agree with every B-rating you talked about. I thought Shia was good, and I think he kept it entertaining from a comic relief standpoint. But he is probably not quite on the level of Tom Arnold yet.

    I still liked the movie–or rather, I was quite entertained throughout–and that’s probably because of the 10 million explosions, but mostly because of my Transformers nostalgia. Especially Optimus Prime.

  2. B 21 August 2007 at 8:51 am #

    …quite entertained throughout…

    That sums it up perfectly.


    (That’s the sound of a transformer transforming)

  3. Joeliver 21 August 2007 at 9:55 am #

    I LOVED Transformers. I had the nostalgia effect going in as well, but not too strong. I also only saw one teaser trailer beforehand, and I wasn’t all that hyped about seeing it. But then my brother called me and told me it was worth seeing in the theater. So I did. My mouth was hanging open for most of the movie, and my heart raced watching all the action sequences.

    I agree with your whole thing about ridiculous stunts and such, but having seen movies like TripleX with Vin Diesel ramping up onto a 50 foot tall guard tower with a motorbike and smacking a guard in the face with the front wheel, then riding vertically down the guard tower to go kill other people… I was able to see past it.

    From an animator/modeler’s point of view, the sheer time that had to go into making a transformer “transform” just blew my mind. And the materials and atmospheric compositing were the best I’ve seen to this day.

    Anyway, your reviews are always great, and I enjoyed reading this one particularly. I just liked it for different reasons. :)

  4. B 21 August 2007 at 10:29 am #

    I forgot about XXX, it’s been a while since I’ve seen that. Wasn’t there a sequel? What would that be, like XXX2? XXXX? Just plain old X2? No, that’s X-men 2. TripleX2? Wouldn’t “TripleX2″ be X2X2X2? Those are the pitfalls of naming your movie three identical consonants, I guess.

    Yeah Joel, it took me about a week to come down from the “high” of Transformers to be able to actually rate it as a film. That’s gotta say something about a movie if it has that effect on you.

    And 4/10 Berating is not bad. I’m usually pretty harsh on movies, so anything below a 5 Berating is worth buying and re-watching, in my opinion.

  5. Bradjward 21 August 2007 at 11:36 am #

    Greg Oden just gave Transformers ’4 stars’.

    He is also a millionaire, so I have to listen to him instead of you.

  6. B 21 August 2007 at 11:50 am #

    I’d be worried if he didn’t. There’s something about him that makes me think his list of top 10 movies does not include anything you have to think too hard about. Let’s just say he’s probably never seen Vanilla Sky or Little Miss Sunshine intentionally.

  7. Joeliver 21 August 2007 at 2:39 pm #

    LOL! That was just entertaining to watch! Dangit now I’m associated publicly with that… *napoleon dynamite sigh*

  8. The Greatest Game Every Played « By the Narrow Gate…

    [...] 22, 2007 at 5:29 pm · Filed under Movies If I were cool enough to have a well-thought-out and creative scheme for rating movies, I would give a somewhat lengthy exposé on this film I watched last night. Instead I’m just [...]

  9. The Gimcrack Miscellany » Blog Archive » Top Fiver: Blacklisted Films

    [...] Why it’s not the absolute worst: It should have been, but unbelievably there are at least two (2) other films out there that are worse. I guess it did have lot’s of eye candy, and that has some value (see my Berating of Transformers) [...]

  10. The Gimcrack Miscellany » Blog Archive » Movies I’m Not Looking Forward To

    [...] 2 because upon further review I should have given Transformers 1 a higher Berating due to the fact that I watched it again in the privacy of my own home (where there were no throngs [...]

  11. Beerieknove 14 May 2008 at 2:18 am #

    Hello my friends :)

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