22 Responses to “Ikariam Alliances: Tips & Tricks of the Trade”

  1. Christopher McCulloh 14 March 2008 at 10:15 am #

    Some translations:

    Aufnahmegesuch anfragen == Admission request

    Kulturgüterabkommen kündigen == Cultural asset treaty

    Handelsabkommen anbieten == Commercial trade agreement

    Allianz Militärabkmmen = Military Alliance offer

  2. Christopher McCulloh 14 March 2008 at 10:17 am #

    Oh, and it won’t let you quit. You have to click “break up the alliance” in order to disband it.

  3. The Gimcracker 14 March 2008 at 1:01 pm #

    Ah, i thought not but I wasn’t able to test it.

    Thanks for the translations. What about Kulturgüterabkommen zuruckziehen?

    • Ilka 7 March 2010 at 11:24 pm #

      That's: withdraw a cultural treaty offer.

      Also "Kulturgüterabkommen kündigen" actually means cancel a cultural treaty.

  4. Josh Schaa 14 March 2008 at 1:44 pm #

    Hey the inviting to an alliance thing, this is what is says
    Allianz Militarabkmmen To the town (whatever the town) anbieten

    Thanks for the help, only way i found it out was because i hadn’t researched the other options yet.

  5. The Gimcracker 14 March 2008 at 2:46 pm #

    Sweet, I couldn’t remember exactly what it said. I wish they would just translate it already.

  6. Phil Masse 19 March 2008 at 10:30 pm #

    Thanks to some google translations, in regards to the Allianz Militarabkmmen options, Anbieten means “offer” and zuruckziehen means withdraw. I’m not sure though how exactly they come into play as I was able to do one before the other and now can do both before anyone has joined or new researches were finished… Can anyone explain this phenomenon?

  7. findlay 24 March 2008 at 10:19 am #

    I’ve heard a lot and it has been helpful, but for the person receiving the invite how do they respond or beyond having an embassy the person has to research something as well?

    on the same matter to invite someone to join after establishing an embassy one needs research more to do so or what?

  8. The Gimcracker 24 March 2008 at 10:30 am #

    Thanks for the “offer” and “withdraw” translation distinction. I think I experienced the same thing as far as seeing one of the options before I thought I should. Could be bugs since the game is so new. I know there are a lot of bugs currently in the game.

    “I’ve heard a lot and it as been helpful, but for the person receiving the invite how do they respond or beyond having an embassy the person as to research something as well?”

    To accept an alliance invite that someone has sent you, just click on your Diplomacy screen and check your messages. Expand the message from them and click either Accept or Decline. Clicking Accept will bring up a reply box where you can reply to the person if you want. To be safe, submit a message back to them to ensure it processes your acceptance, although I don’t know if this part is necessary.

    The only thing you need to create or join an alliance is an Embassy (which requires researching Foreign Cultures under Seafaring). The variable that determines joining, creating, and growing alliances is Diplomacy Points. You get 3 points when you build you Embassy, so that means you can join an alliance after just building one level 1 Embassy.

    On the same token, you can also CREATE an alliance after just building one level 1 Embassy, because founding an alliance costs 3 Diplomacy points. However, if you want to invite someone to your alliance, you need to either A) upgrade your Embassy, which will give you 1 Diplomacy point, or B) build an Embassy in another one of your colonies, which will give you 3 Diplomacy points. In either case, it costs 1 diplomacy point for each person you invite to your alliance.

    For instance, if you want to create an alliance and invite 10 people other than yourself, this will cost you a total of 3 + 10 = 13 points. You can get this many points a number of ways, but one way would be to build three separate Embassies (if you have 3 total colonies), upgrading three of them once, and upgrading one of them twice. Every upgrade gives you another point, regardless of which Embassy you upgrade, and your points pool together between all your colonies, just like your gold does.

    Does that help at all?

  9. findlay 26 March 2008 at 7:08 pm #

    Thanks for the help, though when an invited individual with the required points tries before researching diplomacy (for military treaty) they receive an error message. Well i think thats the only other possible reason for the error message, not sure.

  10. sows11 4 April 2008 at 11:31 am #

    dudes Handelsabkommen anbieten == Commercial trade agreement

    Allianz Militärabkmmen = Military Alliance offer
    is wrong my diplomat has taken allianz militerwhatever is inviteing people hanlabakon anibian is milatery treaty forfrends stationning troops in your town but lokeing the quote you mount your netedrake moor than you mount your wife

  11. The Gimcracker 4 April 2008 at 11:42 am #

    I thought that sounded wrong. The word “allianz” was too close to “alliance” to mean “military treaty”.

    I’m glad someone appreciated #1 on my wow top 10 list.

  12. Major dissorder 5 April 2008 at 10:02 am #

    hey.im the diplomat in the alliance im in and i dont seem to have the option to transfer diplomacy points over to the alliance!my diplomatic influence is 19.do i get to invite others into the alliance or will that lie within someone elses roll?
    cheers kieran

    • flyboy 2 October 2010 at 10:23 pm #

      I am yet to figure out what diplomatic influence is, but I do know that only the leader of an alliance can transfer diplomacy points

  13. The Gimcracker 6 April 2008 at 11:05 am #

    Only the alliance leader can transfer diplomatic points to the alliance. Only the alliance leader gets a resources bonus from the alliance too, so it balances out.

  14. Fixer 16 April 2008 at 9:53 am #

    Actually, the leader does not (yet) gain a resource bonus. Or, at least, I haven’t noticed one. It says, on the bonus resources screen, “The gods give the leader resources for every member of the alliance. The distribution of those resources is not yet implemented!”

  15. The Gimcracker 16 April 2008 at 10:30 am #

    Now that you mention it I do remember hearing something like that. I also know the island blessing structure is not in place yet either.

  16. kissafrog 7 May 2008 at 2:09 pm #

    This blog is great! You have answered a lot of questions for me. Thanks so much.

  17. Rokyodomick 15 May 2008 at 5:27 pm #

    What they said:
    What they meant:

    “I recommend this candidate with no qualifications whatsoever.”
    (Yes, that about sums it up.)
    “The amount of mathematics she knows will surprise you.”
    (And I recommend not giving that school a dime…)
    “I simply can’t say enough good things about him.”
    (What a screw-up.)
    “I am pleased to say that this candidate is a former colleague of mine.”
    (I can’t tell you how happy I am that she left our firm.)
    “When this person left our employ, we were quite hopeful he would go
    a long way with his skills.”
    (We hoped he’d go as far as possible.)
    “You won’t find many people like her.”
    (In fact, most people can’t stand being around her.)
    “I cannot reccommend him too highly.”
    (However, to the best of my knowledge, he has never committed a
    felony in my presence.)


  18. K 1 July 2008 at 11:11 am #

    Remember dont let anyone you know use your computer to play this game or make sure you and your friends/family dont have names that are similar or they will BAN you! Saying that you are multi-accounting!!

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    Ikariam – Latest Browser Game…

    Ikariam is a newly released game by the german game company, GameForge. The company specializes in the coding and design of online browser games such as this one. The basis of the game are simple – build up your city and conquer the world. At the…

  20. IkaScore 28 May 2010 at 4:11 pm #

    Alliance pages in ikascore.com will help you track your alliance progress, as well find out which members are leeching from your alliance!

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