5 Best Uses Of Music In A Commercial
Posted by The Gimcracker in Music, Television, Top Fivers on 24. Sep, 2008 | 5 Comments
You know how the taste of something is like 50% based on smell, and communication is like 90% based on your body language? Well I submit that commercials are 100% based on the background music.
The genius ad agencies are the ones that grab your attention. It’s hard to grab peoples’ attention using visuals since most people look away during the commercials, plus the fact that we’re constantly barraged with visuals as we’re watching TV, so our eyes become used to constant stimulus.
Radiohead @ Deer Creek
Posted by The Gimcracker in Music on 04. Aug, 2008 | No Comments
Yes I called it Deer Creek. And the Colts play in the Hoosier Dome, FYI. Plus I still don’t recognize Mizzoora. This is the first time I have ever seen Radiohead. We were in the pavilion, but we might as well have been in the lawn because of how far back we were. I have [...]
Top Fiver: TheSixtyOne Bands
Posted by The Gimcracker in Music, Top Fivers on 25. Jul, 2008 | 1 Comment
TheSixtyOne has held me in its musical grip since January and it doesn’t look to be letting go any time soon. I’ve already tried to explain to you why it’s so good. Let me see if I can put it another way in an attempt to lure you into the all-consuming fire. You know how [...]
Flight Of The Bumblebee pt. 2: Fastest Guitarist In The World
Posted by The Gimcracker in Amazing, Music on 18. Jul, 2008 | 5 Comments
It’s Friday. That means multiple posts chocked full of stuff I find on Digg. Hold on to your butts. If you’ve seen my first post about Flight Of The Bumblebee performances, you know where I’m going with this. There is some new video footage of the fastest guitarist in the world. Officially the fastest. That’s [...]
Weezer Internet Celebrity Tribute
Posted by The Gimcracker in Music, Stuff On The Internet on 16. Jul, 2008 | No Comments
Well, I was gonna post about how 99% of cops are complete idiots, but that is going to be a more involved post that I don’t feel like doing right now. In the meantime I stumbled upon a little gem on Digg today. So, here’s a little more light-hearted fun for you: Step 1: Read [...]
Katy Perry Looks Like Zooey Deschanel
Posted by The Gimcracker in Movies, Music on 07. Jul, 2008 | 209 Comments
Remember that broad who Kissed A Girl? Also remember that girl from The Happening? Well if you haven’t figured it out by now, they look exactly alike. And I’m the first one who pointed it out.
Click this post to play a little game where I’ve included a picture of each person and labeled them A and B. Your job is to figure out which is which. This is a new type of game semantic that I’ve created which you have probably never seen before, so if you get confused just read the comments.
It is sad that this post is the reason my blog has had so many visits over the last year. Whoa whoa, hold on there. I didn’t say I regret writing it.
Flight Of The Bumblebee
Posted by The Gimcracker in Music on 30. May, 2008 | 5 Comments
There’s something about musical prodigies that can cause me to waste an entire work day on Youtube. Today is Friday and I stayed up far past my bedtime last night. That means today is one of those days. I have compiled an assortment of videos for your viewing pleasure. Today’s theme is Flight of the [...]
The Sixty One Tips: How To Bump A ‘Revive’ Song
Posted by The Gimcracker in Music, Stuff On The Internet on 22. May, 2008 | 1 Comment
With the release of the new unlocks on The Sixty One, there are a lot of people trying to bump old songs. Why? Because the newest unlock is called Lewis & Clark, and it requires you to bump songs in under-explored genres (classical, blues, country, hip-hop, jazz, r&b, reggae). Seeing as how I only care [...]
Spiral Frog – Come And Get Your Music!
Posted by The Gimcracker in Music on 15. Feb, 2008 | 5 Comments
Remember Finetune, Deezer, and TheSixtyOne? I’ve got another one for you, and it’s called SpiralFrog. This one lets you actually download songs and play them on your computer and MP3 player. The downside is you can’t use an iPod (here’s a list of compatible devices). I know I just lost most of you, but for [...]
Grammy Observations: Kanye, Shut Up
Posted by The Gimcracker in Music, News on 11. Feb, 2008 | No Comments
I hope you didn’t turn on the Grammy Awards last night. I mistakenly did, and here are my observations: 1) 99% of the music performed and honored is top 40, bubble gum, over-played hornswaggle. The Grammys have become an awards ceremony honoring artists with the top music sales, not the top music. I consider the [...]