5 Best Uses Of Music In A Commercial
Posted by The Gimcracker in Music, Television, Top Fivers on 24. Sep, 2008 | 5 Comments
You know how the taste of something is like 50% based on smell, and communication is like 90% based on your body language? Well I submit that commercials are 100% based on the background music.
The genius ad agencies are the ones that grab your attention. It’s hard to grab peoples’ attention using visuals since most people look away during the commercials, plus the fact that we’re constantly barraged with visuals as we’re watching TV, so our eyes become used to constant stimulus.
5 Annoying Comedy Character Clichés
Posted by The Gimcracker in Movies, Top Fivers on 19. Sep, 2008 | 21 Comments
There’s nothing worse than a cliché. They were obviously invented for a good reason. Sometimes you don’t feel like explaining something the old-fashioned way, such as using logic and meaningful words, so it’s easier to just use a cliché.
The problem is people use clichés much too frequently, causing them to A) lose their poignancy and B) get really annoying. Even the word cliché has become a cliché, which has caused a recursive lapse in the time-space continuum – similar to what would happen if you were to make two mirrors reflect each other. Thank goodness no one has ever tried that.
Even more annoying than clichéd words and phrases are film elements, such as plot lines, endings, actors, and characters. Today we will focus on the latter.
5 Most Annoying Cars
Posted by The Gimcracker in Gimcrackery, Top Fivers on 02. Sep, 2008 | No Comments
It’s a well known fact that during the course of a lifetime the average human spends about 42 years in the car. 99% of that time consists of driving in heavy traffic, which means there are other vehicles all around you. Most of these vehicles are decent. There are some cars on the road, however, [...]
5 Non-Super Powers I Wish I Had
Posted by The Gimcracker in Theory & Philosophy, Top Fivers on 28. Aug, 2008 | 11 Comments
I’m always thinking about the super powers I wish I had. Would it be better to fly or be invisible? Duh, fly. If you said invisible you’re one of three things: a) a thief, b) a cheater, or c) a depressed recluse. Think about it, if you could fly you would never have to pay [...]
Top Fiver: TheSixtyOne Bands
Posted by The Gimcracker in Music, Top Fivers on 25. Jul, 2008 | 1 Comment
TheSixtyOne has held me in its musical grip since January and it doesn’t look to be letting go any time soon. I’ve already tried to explain to you why it’s so good. Let me see if I can put it another way in an attempt to lure you into the all-consuming fire. You know how [...]
The Dark Knight
Posted by The Gimcracker in Beratings, Movies on 21. Jul, 2008 | 2 Comments
It stars an unlikely actor as “The Joker” who’s accidental death came just before filming was to wrap up. It’s a 2.5+ hour comic book movie spawned from the same franchise that contains filth like Batman & Robin. It had to compete with such summer action blockbusters as Wanted, Hellboy II, and Hancock. It shattered [...]
‘Indiana Jones 4′: Epic Disappointment The Likes Of ‘Phantom Menace’
Posted by The Gimcracker in Beratings, Movies on 27. May, 2008 | 5 Comments
I don’t know what it is with George Lucas and terrible rehashes of once-untarnished film sagas. Everything he touches nowadays turns to dust. If you choose to see a Lucas film, you have chosen poorly. Maybe my brother put it best when he told me “I knew George Lucas had changed forever when he modified [...]
Prince Caspian
Posted by The Gimcracker in Beratings, Movies on 20. May, 2008 | 8 Comments
This movie scared me because I thought for a bit that I was not going to like it. Then I found myself trying to make myself like it, which only made me dislike it more. But in the end I was pleasantly surprised as to how well it was able to turn itself around. So [...]
‘Iron Man’ Irons Wrinkles Out Of Brain
Posted by The Gimcracker in Beratings, Movies on 19. May, 2008 | 1 Comment
That title is meant to be taken in a good way, although taken negatively it also aptly describes the movie. Iron Man is about the beginnings of a super hero: how the cockiest guy on Earth is convicted with the duty of saving humanity from an evil corporation that he helped build. He has no [...]
American Gangster
Posted by The Gimcracker in Beratings, Movies on 21. Apr, 2008 | No Comments
American Gangster is one of those movies that I wish I didn’t love. It’s not particularly edifying and it contains a lot of nudity. At least it wasn’t Eastern Promises nudity, and for that I’m thankful. It’s the true story of a self-made 1970s drug lord who rose to the top and fell right back [...]